turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering Anonymous [??]

TG: no no thats irony this is like
TG: sincere honest to god psychosis
TG: im training to be a lame gothy supervillain

TG: whos this asshole

Though it was TWENTY-TWO YEARS AGO you were given a name, you say fuck that noise and have named yourself DAVE. You are AGENDER, and you use the pronouns THEY/THEM and HE/HIM interchangeably. Technically speaking, you are also BISEXUAL, but your attraction is fluid and tends to fluctuate. You are NEURODIVERGENT--and the sexiest bitch in this psych ward.You are a connoisseur of all things OCCULT or MYSTERIOUS, and have been known to dabble in the DARK ARTS. Rarely are you found not bumping THE FRESHEST OF TUNES or jamming out your own. Like any good E-BOY, you also enjoy SKATING FAST and EATING ASS, as well as the occasional VIDEO GAME. Your PHOTOGRAPHY skills are questionable but you enjoy doing it nevertheless.

TG: man i dont even know

TG: self undiagnosed
TG: im normal now
TG: just be cool about it ok

Dave Strider

That's YOU!

TG: what the fuck are you even doing

General DNI CRITERIA applies: don't be an ASSHOLE to people who are DIFFERENT than you. Those looking for DISCOURSE of any kind are not welcome in your crib. They must be lost, because you have LITERALLY ZERO TIME for that shit.You are a firm believer in CRITICAL ENGAGEMENT and THE MIGHTY BLOCK BUTTON as the greatest inventions since sliced bread, and use them liberally. Fuck around and find out.Personal information is a privilege, not a right. Your SOCIAL MEDIA presence should be taken IRONICALLY. The pages one sees here are ABSTRACT PERFORMANCE ART at the very best, and EMOTIONAL CATHARSIS at the very worst.CRINGE CULTURE is dead, bitch--let's get you some PERSONALITY.

TG: i just give and fucking give

-- aquarius. enjoys long walks off short planks
-- biomedical sciences student
-- rromani
social media
-- tumblr: turntechgodhead
-- spotify: dies

You don't really know what else to put here for now, so it'll get updated if you think of any other shit that's gotta get said.

LAST UPDATED: 2/13/2022 .̷̢͈̙͚͈̼̹̹̺̣̍́̃̽͊̇̈́̊͠.̴̼̝̾̓̿͂́̌͐͘͝͝.̴̻͛̿́͑̚̚͝͠9:05 pm .̷̢͈̙͚͈̼̹̹̺̣̍́̃̽͊̇̈́̊͠.̴̼̝̾̓̿͂́̌͐͘͝͝.̴̻͛̿́͑̚̚͝͠the PASSWORD is your favorite song. send me an ask/dm so i know you read this.